Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Fifteen Minutes," A Really Short Story

Okay – the picture of my three sisters and me has nothing to do with the story. I am pretty certain, however, that we didn’t remain in that tranquil state for anything close to fifteen minutes.

My flash fiction piece, “Fifteen Minutes” is now up on the literary ezine Pindeldyboz . I wrote this story last month for a weekly flash fiction contest in one of the Zoetrope offices called the Flash Factory. The prompt required us to have a character die in the first sentence. I was in Phoenix at that time and had access to a computer for only thirty minutes so I wrote a one-sentence story. 

From the Pindeldyboz Website:

Pindeldyboz is an operation run by a small but valiant group of people. We publish creative works here on our website and we used to release a print volume once a year. We have been known to publish much fiction, some nonfiction, and artwork makes an irregular appearance. We released our first and only poetry collection in 2007.

I appreciate Pindeldyboz accepting my work. Now if I could only get some of my longer stories accepted...


My weekly routine for now is as follows:

Monday—easy run 60 minutes

Tuesday—Swim 20 minutes and then Pilates

Wednesday—easy run 30minutes and then personal trainer workout 30 minutes

Thursday—swim or spin or run 60 minutes and then Yoga 90 minutes

Friday—easy run

Saturday—Bike 90 minutes; Yoga 90 minutes


I’m getting quite a bit less cardio, but the stretching and core strengthening should help me when I build back the intensity;

Weight: 189 – this is an official weight; I had to go the Doctor yesterday (minor ear infection) and so I got weighed. Dr Ali said she did not want me to wait another three years for my next visit;

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