Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ménage à Trois

A couple months ago I entered a writing contest where the challenge was to write a story in four sentences so that the four sentences could be rearranged in any order and the story would still make sense.  I came up with four really long sentences about two ladies, a guy and a bartender. I didn't win.

But not winning did not deter me. I found a publication, Northville Review, that said they were interested in "experimental" writing. I figured this story (stories?)qualified.  To make it more interesting I borrowed some bar pictures I found on the internet to illustrate the scenes.

Northville accepted the story, but said they couldn't use the photos as they were protected by copyrights. So I commissioned my daughter, Nicole, to photoshoot the story using her friends as models. They agreed - and I didn't even have to buy the drinks. They did, however, have to return to the bar several times to get the shots just right.

The story can be found here:  Menage a Trois

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